Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old Yeller Character Traits

We have read an excerpt from Old Yeller. Please take a moment to think about the main character. Did his character traits change from the beginning of the passage to the end? Please post a comment about how and why you think he changes. What are some of the character traits that change?

After you post your comment please respond politely to another person's blog. Tell them if you like what they said, or if you disagree. Can you give any additional insight into their comment.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Welcome to 2010-2011 class of 5th graders at Longbranch Elementary. I am excited about starting a new year. During the year we will be reading novels as we improve our reading comprehension skills, fluency skills, vocabulary and inferencing. This is going to be an awesome year. Take a minute to either post something about yourself or tell me your favorite book. When posting a comment please include first name only.